Posted by EgideNduwa on 2025-01-17 18:09:19 |
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Neighbors countries should serve us
Since 2020,the situation in Burundi about the fuel still being the problem.Hence, this is the most essentiel element in the everyone’s life.Once this is missing everything in the country changes because it affects everyone,transport of persons from one province to an other ,goods transportation and other different products.Among the causes of the fuel shortage includes value money from abroad which are not seen in the country.But the country is missing this because of the exportation.This is the contrary situation from neighbor countries.Tanzania is well equipped in terms of fuel,Rwanda is well equipped,ouganda is well equipped,Congo is well equipped in few words the fuel shortage is only seen in Burundi among East African community countries.
Why this is seen in Burundi ?
This situation is seen in Burundi simply because the free market is not well established in the sai territory .In those countries mentioned, the fuel is not in the the control of the government,but in burundi,the country in controlling everything .Who owns the fuel market?how are they managing the issue?In the neighbors countries mentioned the stations owners are controlling themselves the importation of the fuel they import in respecting the Revenue Authority regulations.A fuel depot operator must inspect all road tankers that come to offload at a fuel depot to ensure that all seals are in good condition. The fuel depot operator must test the leading parameters to ensure the quality of the petroleum products before offloading the products into storage tanks.But this should not be controlled by the government.
What should be done?
In the good conditions,government should be separated from the business.Hence, the task of the government is to protect the businessmen in their activities because they bring more in the country.Otherwise,if the government applies the business,they are two choices : The ledership fails or the business fails.For a good advancement of the fuel issue,the government should provide the authority to the st ations’ owners and follow them if they pay OBR’s regulations.What we see is prohibited to carry different type of products in a road tanker transporting fuel from outside the country to the local depot in Burundi but this is done by the Government.
Shameful, the government’s busness fails but our neighbor countries succeed with their the same issue.It is prohibited from the persons living near the boarders to go and bring their fuel to use according to the exchange rate of the countries. Neighbor countries which are very well equipped in the terms of the fuel should serve the failure one.